Back Exercises – Stretching

These exercises are designed to stretch and strengthen your back. Read through all instructions before beginning an exercise. Breathe normally and use smooth movements. If you feel any pain, stop the exercise immediately and inform your health care provider.

Please note that this information is in no way a substitute for professional medical care. Always consult your health care provider before beginning an exercise program.


Hamstring Stretch:

  • Lie on your back. Keeping your left knee straight or slightly bent, lift that leg off the floor as far as you comfortably can.
  • Grasp the back of your knee or calf. Or grasp a towel draped behind your knee or calf. Keeping your leg fairly straight, slowly pull it toward your chest. Hold for ___ seconds. Return to starting position.
  • Repeat ___ times, then switch sides. Do ___ sets a day.

Caution: Use a pillow to keep your neck from arching. Keep on leg flat on the floor.



Hip Rotator Stretch:

  • Lie on your back with knees bent. Place your right foot flat on the floor. Rest your left ankle on your right knee.
  • Use your left hand to gently push your left knee away from you. Feel the stretch in your buttock. Hold for __ seconds.
  • Repeat ___ times, then switch sides. Do ___ sets a day.

Caution: Use a pillow to keep your neck from arching. Keep your back flat on the floor.




  • Lie on your back. Bend your right leg, and place your right foot flat on the floor.
  • Grasp the back of your right thigh. Slowly pull the knee toward your chest. Hold for ___ seconds. Return to starting position.
  • Repeat ___ times, then switch sides. Do ___ sets a day.



Quadriceps Stretch:

  • Stand an arm’s length from a wall. Look straight ahead.
  • Place your left hand against the wall. Grasp your right ankle with your right hand. Pull up gently.
  • When you feel the stretch in your right thigh, hold for ___ seconds.
  • Repeat ___ times, then switch sides. Do ___ sets a day.

Caution: Don’t arch your back. Don’t twist your back to reach your leg.